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              您當前位置:  教師招聘   /  專業基礎   /  英語   /  教師考編英語教學中涉及到的教學策略


              來源:師大教科文     2020-04-28



              Listening strategies:


              l Before you listen, read the questions carefully.

              l Try to think of possible answers.

              l Use your general knowledge to think of possible answers.

              2、Getting prepared for listening

              l Before listening, make sure you understand the task.

              l If possible, try to guess the answer.

              3、 Listening for understanding the general idea

              l Don’t worry if you can’t understand everything.

              l Listen for important words and phrases to help you answer the questions.

              l Try to link words to topics.

              l When you listen the first time, don’t panic! You will not understand everything--just try to get the general idea and take notes.

              l The second time you listen, listen carefully and try to note down the answers.

              l Listen more than once, if possible.

              4、Listening for specific information

              l Make sure you know what you have to do. E.g. Complete a table, fill in the blanks.

              l As you listen, make notes and use abbreviations, e.g. Poll.(=pollution), O-F.(=over-fishing).

              l Use the headings or topics from the table to help you while you are listening.

              l If you miss some information, write a question mark to remind you to listen especially carefully the second time.

              Reading strategies:


              l Before you read a text, look at the title, photographs and drawings.

              l Read the first two or three lines of the text.

              l Try to guess what the text is going to be about.

              2、Working out meaning

              l Find the word in the text.

              l Is the word a noun, verb, adjective,etc?

              l Think about the context.

              3、Multiple-choice questions

              l Read the question and answers.

              l Try to guess the correct answer.

              l Find the place in the text where you think the answer is.

              l Read the text and check your answer.

              l Make sure the other two answers are not possible.


              l After you read, think about how difficult the text was for you to understand.(e.g. Quiet difficult because of a lot of new words)

              l Think about how difficult the tasks were for you.

              l List the strategies you used to help you. (E.g. Using the picture to predict answers, guessing multiple-choice questions, working out meaning of words.)

              5、Making contextual connections

              l Read the whole text to get the general idea.

              l Look at the missing sentences and read the paragraphs with gaps in detail.

              l Choose the missing sentence, a) to e), from the list. Make sure the topic of the sentence matches the topic of the paragraph.

              l Make sure that the sentence fits in with the sentences before and after it. Look for time references, pronoun references or contrasting ideas.

              6、Matching topics/paragraphs

              l Read each paragraph carefully.

              l Pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph as it often introduces the main idea.

              l Identify 3-5 of the most important words and underline them with a pencil.

              l Look at the list of topics and match them to the paragraphs.

              l Check that the extra topic does not match any of the paragraphs.

              Speaking strategies:

              1、group work

              l Always try to speak in English.

              l Don’t interrupt other people.

              l Respect other people’s ideas.

              l Choose a secretary to make notes of your group’s decisions.

              2、Preparation for discussion

              l Make notes about your opinions.

              l Think of reason to support your opinions.

              l Practice saying your opinions.

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